Accomplishments & Activities

Membership into Alpha Mu Alpha – Ohio Northern University
May 2011 – Present
·       National Marketing Honorary Society – in recognition of outstanding scholastic achievement in the marketing discipline

American Marketing AssociationOhio Northern University
September 2009 – Present
Chapter President
·       Completely renovated the club’s strategy by increasing organization, focus and incentive
·       Assigned monthly officer logs to measure activity contributed by each officer position
·       Increased membership of first general meeting by 100% - showing record numbers in attendance
·       Scheduled biweekly officer and general meetings for the entire year to ensure routine
·       Lead officer and general meetings, delegating responsibilities and providing information
·       Incorporated interactive aspects into club meetings and promotional booths and events
·       Introduced creative ideas for the creation and development of our tradeshow booth to compete in the AMA International Collegiate Conference in New Orleans
Vice President of Fundraising
·         Recognized at the national conference in New Orleans for our fundraising efforts
·         Organized and scheduled door-to-door fundraising events selling the local pizza shop’s coupons 
·         Help plan, organize and advertise a Call of Duty Tournament to raise money
·         Contacted the Dean and influential parties to meet, present and get approval for our ideas
·         Developed strategies to put fundraising events and meetings together most efficiently
·         Managed customer service and answer questions and concerns with the Winter Survival Kit
CheerleadingOhio Northern University
September 2008 – Present
Captain and Squad member
·         Dependable and reliable while trusting others and working as a team to accomplish our goals
·       Took charge and lead others, placing members into positions based on their strengths
·       Mentored new members to ensure comfort at the new school and while being away from home for the first time by organizing squad bonding events and offering advice

GoodfellowsSt. Marys, Ohio
December 2004 – Present
·         Sorted food and gifts at Christmastime for over 150 local underprivileged families each year
·         Helped the community by delivering care packages and giving to those in need 

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