Sunday, July 17, 2011

B is for Bold

Bold: fearless before danger / standing out prominently.
[According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary]

This past Saturday I knocked off one of the items on my bucket list. I've wanted to jump out of an airplane since I was younger because my dad used to do it about twenty years ago. You'll know from B is for Bait that I've got a close relationship with my dad and for the longest time I was thinking that I would go skydiving and take him with me for one of our big birthdays (you know like 18, 21, 45, 50). But this summer I got the "live in the moment/now or never" urge and we decided to go for his 46th birthday this summer. IT WAS AMAZING. I can't even describe in words how excited and adrenaline-filled I was. The free fall was an unreal experience and it was all just so fast. I think the craziest part though, was standing at the edge of the plane door and having Brandon (my tandem partner) push us out of the plane. Awesome. The wind was rushing by us so fast - I almost lost my goggles! After a couple minutes, he pulled the parachute and ended the free fall. The rest of the ride down was just as cool though. We floated down safely, doing some spins and I got to hold the handles and help us steer. We even got to float through a cloud! It was everything that I had hoped it would be. When I had originally planned the trip it was for my dad and I for his birthday, then my brother was showing some interest so I couldn't say no. If you knew my brother from when we were younger, you'd know he's pretty shy and he was scared of heights and roller coasters. He's a big fan now though and I wanted him there with us, too. He was a trooper - him, my dad, and I all got to take the same flight up and drop right after each other. Jeremy went first. I went next, then my dad followed. I'm so glad I was able to share the experience with the people who mean the most to me. Just another great day that we'll be able to look back on and laugh about and another one of my adventures this summer and in life, and I loved every minute of it! Check out my video, Jeremy's video and our pictures from the trip!! And to anyone who has ever wanted to skydive - DO IT!! The thrill is amazing and 100% worth it!

-~- B.

- Our Skydiving Song -

1 comment:

  1. That's great that you got to do this with you brother and dad. I have to admit that jumping out of a place scares me a little, but after reading about the fun you had, I'm a little more tempted to do it now. I'm so glad you're having a great summer!
