Well as you may know from one of my previous posts, I have an internship with the Ada Chamber of Commerce coming up this fall. Now even though I don't officially start until the fall, I've still been working on an assignment, a company fact find/data sheet and meeting with members of the board. While reading the chapters on podcasting in our New Influencers book, I was able to get some really great ideas that I can use and implement on the chamber's website and Facebook page. Using some of these ideas will help us to connect with followers and members and offer interesting facts and information about the companies around Ada to help promote their business, products and services.
What I found especially helpful in the chapters were all of the examples of the small ideas turned thriving businesses with the use of something simple like a podcast. It was pretty incredible to read about all of these success stories, and I'm sure there are countless others out there that weren't featured in the book, as well. I think the tips from the book on how to start up and offer something interesting to the public is the most beneficial and what I can use most toward my internship this fall. I'm getting very excited and am starting to brainstorm for all the fun things I can bring to the Chamber.
Check out our website and look for our updates on our Facebook page!
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