Wednesday, September 14, 2011

B is for Busy

Busy: engaged in action / being in use / full of activity.
[According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary]

So with school back in full swing, being the middle of week 4 (of 15 now that we've switched to semesters), life is getting busier. Tests are coming up and assignments are coming due. I've been pretty blessed with a light schedule this semester and I'm loving it! Only 12 credit hours - three classes and an internship with the town's Chamber of Commerce. You think I'd have a ton of free time with at most 2 hours of class a day, but you'd be very, very wrong. I've got a lot of responsibility and commitments that take up my time.

Right now with the chamber I'm working on compiling ideas for content from the local businesses and obtaining that information to start up our social media campaign.
I've also got cheerleading. With our second game coming up, we practice twice a week for a few hours building and perfecting pyramids and partner stunts as well as conditioning. Then of course there's my on-campus job with the Sports Information Department where I update the University's football stats every Monday. I also work in the press box at the home Girls Soccer games. My most time consuming position though, is definitely being President of the ONU chapter of the American Marketing Association. My co-president and I are completely rebuilding the club's structure and strategy and although it is tons of work, I find it the most rewarding. I'm very passionate about the things I do and I'm really trying to have the club live up to its potential, and I know this year is going to be great! The little time I have left I spend on cooking, working out, doing homework and projects, working on my social media presence / getting my sites all coordinated, starting to do some job searching activities, and at the end of the night, relaxing before I have to start it all over again!

I always think it's kind of funny when sometimes in an interview they'll ask you what you do in your free time or for fun besides your activities. Then I'll say well I do those things in my free time because I love doing them. Why would I be in those clubs or teams if I didn't enjoy it? That's just silly. I put my time and effort into my work because it reflects who I am.

Anyways, thats pretty much my life right now. I'm sure if you check back I'll have some posts up further detailing these activities and what I'm doing with them - So get Excited!

Also, Thanks for reading, and actually, be sure to check back Next Week. I've got some very exciting news and I'll tell you all about it soon!

-~- B.

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