Sunday, January 6, 2013

B is for Bachelor's Degree

Bachelor's Degree : a first degree at a college or university; B.A. or B.S.
[According to the Cambridge Dictionary]

Back in May I graduated from Ohio Northern. I received my Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, majoring in marketing. It's such a crazy time to think back on because at that point, we were all at the end and we knew it. We were all trying to spend as much time together and make the most of our final days - knowing that life as we had known it for the last four years, was coming quickly to an end. Definitely makes me a little sad - a lot sad - to be thinking back on it.

I think it's so interesting that after four years it all comes down to a piece of paper. It symbolizes all of the hard work and late nights that you put into the books and at the bar - college wasn't just about the classes and the degree. It was about growing up and making friends and making your way in a new place, even if that place was the cornfields of Ada.

I wouldn't give up a single memory from that place, good or bad and I cherish each for different reasons. Whether they're lessons - like don't try to ballroom dance with drunk boys because you'll end up with a black eye before Christmas; stories - like that one time when I dumped my beer on a boy at a party, or just the littlest, most random things that make the biggest impact - like nighttime talks between bunk beds, playing drinking board games and Country music before heading to the bar or listening to Christmas music while working on projects late at night in the business building, hiding from security to not get kicked out. 

Ohio Northern University Graduation 2012

Graduation. That was almost eight months ago! That's insane! I can't believe how quickly life passes and how everything changes in what seems like the blink of an eye. To those of you who are still fortunate to be in college, I'd like to say this - Quit your bitching! Seriously the "real world" is nothing like college and it's such a huge change. 

Enjoy the fact that you can take naps and can pull all-nighters and don't have class until 10. Take advantage of all the breaks you get between semesters and Summers! I don't ever get a summer break Ever Again! Spend as much time with your roommates and take advantage of every opportunity and adventure that you're lucky enough to come upon. But if you don't, that's on you and I hope you don't regret it once you get your fancy piece of paper and are trying to make it on your own out here. Just don't take it for granted.

Until next time
    -~- B.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

B is for Begin Again

Begin Again: make a fresh start, wipe the slate clean, back to square one.
[According to Thesaurus]

Well it's officially 2013. Another year over and a new one just begun. (yes, from the song "Happy Christmas" I love Christmas music!) I've undergone a whole lot of change in the past twelve months and it's been a hell of year. Living up my senior year of college with my amazing roommates and friends, graduating college, landing my first full-time job, moving away from home, supporting and living by myself and making my way through the real world and a corporate company.

One thing that I have learned about myself over the year is that I thrive on a routine. Now don't get me wrong, I don't need to have every hour of every day planned out and believe me, I love breaks and change like every one. It's just that I've found that I am my best self when I have a set structure to follow. I think this is probably true for most of society though. 

It's been really interesting since the last two months have been full of holidays and vacation time. It was wonderful being able to spend that time back at home with family. While I was home though, it was so easy to skip working out and to slack on eating healthy meals. I'm not upset about it though because I know coming back now means back to routine and back to regular workouts and meals. The break was completely worth it.

I actually can't explain how excited I am to get back to work (weird, I know) and to workouts again. This month is going to have a lot going on - a volleyball league, euchre league and department-wide fitness team challenge - are all starting up. I've been doing so well (before the holidays) with my routine since I moved down here, and I'm ready to continue it for 2013. I'm looking forward to all the adventures that 2013 will bring and I suppose if I have any kind of resolution to work on it's to be open to taking advantage to even more adventures and doing new things.

Another thing I will be working on is this - keeping up The B List. I can't promise it's regularity but as I find time and inspiration, I'll keep you updated.

Until next time
    -~- B.