Bobbin: a cylinder or spindle on which yarn or thread is wound
(as in a sewing machine).
[According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary]
I first learned to sew in the seventh or eighth grade in our Homec classes. I really found it fascinating how many creative things you can make from fabric and how easy it really is. Since my mom had a sewing machine at home, I always used to mess around on it and make little pillows and stuff. But actually, since I’ll be soon living on my own, I guess my mom decided that I need my own - or she was just tired of me using hers all the time. Anyways I got my own sewing machine this past Christmas and my mom couldn’t have picked a better gift.
I love picking out cute ribbons and fabrics and making different things out of them for my room and decorations. Just recently I’ve been finding quite a few DIY projects on StumbleUpon that I adored and obviously had to try my hand at. Some of my sewing creations include: curtains for my room/closet/shower curtains, a lamp shade cover, curtain valances, various mendings on different articles of clothing, a couch cover, a pin cushion, coasters, seat covers for my dad’s fishing boat, new straps on a dress, and a bunch of cute little bags for makeup and whatnot. I also made these little clothes hamper things from old pillowcases - I love them, though no sewing was required. I’m not sure why, but I love decorating and doing all kinds of crafty little things.
Some of my favorite things I've made are the makeup and jewelry boards I found on StumbleUpon. My necklaces and earrings hang on framed wire fencing with little S hooks while my makeup sticks up there with magnets. I also love pictures and having them all over my room too. I printed out a bunch of cute pictures and quotes to decorate my room with this year. I plan to hang up ribbons and hang the pictures on them with clothespins that I painted and decorated. They're not up yet, but I've been pretty busy getting back into the school routine (why this is my first post in a while.) So go check out some of the Things I Make and let me know what you think! =)
-~- B.